A Hand Up!
Founded in 2007, Rebuilding Together Shawnee seeks to inspire the citizens of Shawnee to make a difference in their community and the lives of their neighbors, helping residents in need live independently with dignity. We are a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping our neighbors in need. We know that the ability for families and individuals - particularly seniors and those living with disabilities - is often determined by the health and accessibility of the home.
That's why we are passionate about what we do. We help our low-income neighbors repair and maintain their homes so they can remain there and retain the dignity we believe every person deserves.
Rebuilding Together Shawnee is an affiliate of Rebuilding Together, the nation’s largest volunteer home rehabilitation organization. Rebuilding Together, comprised of more than 200 affiliates across 46 states, works to preserve homeownership and neighborhoods by providing home repairs and rehabilitation services free of charge to those in need.
Mission Statement & Our Vision - Repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives through safe homes and communities for everyone.
Board of Directors - Jim Brown, Steve Kyle, Matt Hurd, Phil McAnany & Kevin Tubbesing
Apply Now!!
If you would like to apply for assistance - or apply for someone you know that needs assistance - you will need to provide a completed Application which includes information about both the home that needs repair as well as the members of the household in the home.

Get Involved
Whether you’re an individual or an organization, we invite you to get involved in Rebuilding Together Shawnee. The success and impact of the organization is very dependent on the volunteers dedicated to making a difference in Shawnee. While licensed contractor and skilled laborer volunteers are needed for nearly every project, volunteers of all skill levels are encouraged to get involved.
Volunteering with Rebuilding Together Shawnee offers a unique, hands-on experience of giving and allows you to make a direct impact in your community. If you're interested in volunteering please fill out our volunteer form or reach out to AHandUp@rebuildingtogethershawnee.com and we’ll get you involved!
Make a Difference - Sponsor a Project or Donate
The work of Rebuilding Together Shawnee is made possible through the generous support of individuals, businesses, congregations and community groups. Rebuilding Together Shawnee will need in-kind and financial contributions to make a lasting impact in the Shawnee community. We encourage individuals and businesses to consider contributing to Rebuilding Together Shawnee and helping a Shawnee neighbor in need. If you’re interested in donating or sponsoring a project with Rebuilding Together Shawnee, please click here or email us at AHandUp@rebuildingtogethershawnee.com to start the conversation!
Nominate a Neighbor’s Residence in Need
Rebuilding Together Shawnee is dedicated to preserving affordable home ownership and helping Shawnee homeowners in need live independently with dignity. If you know of a neighbor in need please fill out the form on the BOTTOM RIGHT side of our Applications page, or reach out to us at AHandUp@rebuildingtogethershawnee.com providing us with as much contact information as possible about both yourself and the neighbor in need.